Friday, November 6, 2009


Congress has approved an extension today of the home buyers tax credit, sending the bill to the White House for the President's signature.

The House voted 403-12 to pass the bill after the Senate unanimously approved the measure Wednesday night. The legislation continues a home buyers' tax credit and a measure allowing businesses to write off some of their losses incurred over the past two years.

House lawmakers voted to approve the measure more than a month after initially agreeing to a more modest extension of unemployment benefits. The home buyers' tax credit and business-tax measure were added in the Senate.

The bill extends an $8,000 first-time home buyers' tax credit that was set to expire at the end of this month. The credit will apply to all house contracts entered into before April 30, 2010, and closed by June 30. It creates a new $6,500 credit for existing property owners looking to sell their home and buy another during the same period of time. Both credits have income restrictions limiting their availability.

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